Thanks for being here. We look forward to learning more about you , too!

Our Story

Think back to being a kid, playing outside.  Life was simple, we felt good. 

Then we came inside to “grow up.” And we were disconnected from the magic . . . and we certainly got disconnected from our food source. 

(“No kids, eggs don’t come from a supermarket! 😜) 

Anavo Farm founder, Jen Boulden, believes this disconnection is at the root of so many of our problems, from depression to diabetes… to apathy towards saving our one beautiful home, planet Earth.  

So now is the time to step into awareness, and return to Eden. 

Anavo is the manifestation vision to create a physical space to let people experience living in harmony with nature. (It’s the only thing that turns the lights on. Experience.) 

Through many twists and turns, the stars have finally aligned —  to offer the perfect land in the heart of the gorgeous Santa Ynez Valley, with the momentum of a “back to the land” movement, and a growing interest in high-quality foods. 

Meet Zora, the little lamb that started it all.

Five years ago, Jen invited a farmer’s herd of 50+ sheep in to mow + fertilize her pastures. When the newborn lambs needed help, he wasn’t to be found. Jen quickly figured out how to bottle feed, and when Zora came when Jen called , she realized the dream of having experiential farm committed to “being the change” was being born.  

A few years later at an event, Jen sat next to the founder of a popular L.A. vegan cafe, and he confessed that they added cows to the land where they grew their food because the land needs managed grazing to be the most productive.
(Read that again.)  

Meet the Team


Anavo Farm partners with other organizations to strategically collaborate on advancing our collective mission of bringing food justice to ALL people and species.


The premiere policy-based advocacy group working to end the cruel practice of factory farming and rampant false food labeling.


An award-winning media outlet committed to showing why and how to transition off of our heavy reliance of farmed animal products.


Leading nonprofit awakening farmers to the possibilities of regeneration and inspiring grass root support through their award-winning documentary.


  • A nonprofit exists for the greater good of society when the government isn’t doing its job. Why is “Big Ag” getting subsidies (with our tax dollars) while farmers who are trying to do the right thing (for our land, for our health, for our futures) get no help at all? So we are here to raise consumer awareness to put pressure on the powers that be.

  • We occupy a unique space in the landscape of helping bringing “regen” to the mainstream. Our land, farm stay, farm-to-table events, and founder’s background in media allow us to both get the word OUT to a broader audience while also inviting them IN to experience how life truly feels when we live more in harmony — as nature intended.

  • Yes. Research has shown that regularly eating red meat and processed meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. While most Americans eat too much meat, we firmly believe that shifting to “less meat / higher quality” is the path forward.

  • We do not sell meat or cheese here as all of our animals have a name; however, we do sell pasture raised eggs and do offer “farm to table” experiences where guests can eat off the land.

  • Yes! We are looking for help with farm activities, events, media outreach, and social media. Please use the contact form to get in touch if interested!

  • Yes! You can book a stay at the Anavo “Sheep Chic Retreat” through AirBnB.

  • Yes! You just need to work with the Anavo Events Manager. If food is being served, the menu needs to represent our ethos.

The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them.”

Paul Hawken